Notice and Agenda of Annual General Meeting 2011

In accordance with Coastguard Mana Constitution Rule 17.8 Notice of AGM, members are advised that the Annual General Meeting for Mana Volunteer Coastguard Inc. will occur on:
Thursday 8th September 2011 at 1900 hours (7.00pm)
(Upstairs meeting room)
Mana Cruising Club
Ngatitoa Domain
You are warmly invited to join the committee for dinner (at own cost) at the Mana Cruising Club at 6.00pm – partners are welcome. If you are interested, please let the secretary know –
Please let the Secretary know if you will or will not be attending by texting/phoning 027-240-8424 or email
- Opening
- Apologies
- Notices / Announcements
- Minutes of the last AGM
- Matters arising from those minutes
- The Annual Report of Mana Coastguard, including
- President’s Report
- Operations Report
- Training Report
- Financial Report
- Election of the Officers and Management Committee – refer 1
- Appointment of Auditor
- Alterations to the Constitution – refer 2
- Setting the annual membership fee – refer 3
- Other business
- Close
Voting: Each member present who has voting rights according to Rules 6 to 9 are entitled to one vote. Voting is by a show of hands, or if requested by 2 members at the meeting, by secret ballot. The Chairperson of the meeting has a casting vote. If you are unable to attend, you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf – click this link here for the proxy vote form This must be completed and with the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the meeting.
1. Selection of Officers and Management Committee
The AGM is your chance to have a real say in the running of the unit and this is when we elect the committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Unit Training Officer, Operations Officer plus 3 committee members). The committee share a number of other jobs i.e. web master, media &communications, fundraising. A Unit Safety Officer (outside of committee is appointed by the committee).
If you wish to stand for office and require any information, please contact the secretary at Please click the link for the nomination form and return the completed form to the Secretary by Friday 26th August 2011.
Nominations from the floor will only be accepted if insufficient nominations have been received by the 26th August 2011.
2. Alterations to Constitution – the full constitution is on our website – click here:
Part II - Membership:
Currently individual membership can be either Operational or Supporter with both having the same membership rights including speaking and voting at General Meetings. The committee believe that a supporter member should be solely a financial member, as they are in other coastguards around the country, and should not be able to vote or speak at general meetings. Coastguard New Zealand also use the title “Active Volunteer” for operational volunteers so we propose to change the title to be in line with this.
Accordingly it is proposed that the following changes be made to rules 5 & 6
Rule 5: Categories of Members Individual Members to be changed to “Active Vounteer Members” and another category to be inserted for “Supporter Members”
Rule 6: Change title from “Individual members” to “Active Volunteer Members” Rule 6.1: this rule to be deleted
Rule 6.3: this rule to be deleted and a separate rule to be established for Supporter Members. This rule would be inserted after Rule 6 to become rule 7.
The rights for Active Volunteer Members will remain the same.
Rule 6.4: This is altered to only refer to rule 6. and to change “Operational Member” to “Active VolunteerMember” A new rule 7 to be inserted here for supporter members:
Rule 7: Supporter Members
7.1 A supporter member is a person that provides financial support to Coastguard Mana and does not contribute operationally to the unit.
The remaining section will be re-numbered accordingly.
3. Membership fees
Currently the fees are $45 per annum for each member. With the proposed changes to type of membership, the committee are also proposing alterations to the membership fee as follows:
a) operational (Active Volunteer) member's fees stays the same as the current year - $45
b) Supporter member's fees be increased to $90 per annum to reflect their role as financial members.
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