Water Safety skills test

Thu, 03/12/2015
Te Rauparaha Arena Pool
6 crew attended our water skills test which is part of the overal safety at sea competency. crew are required to pass this test and the associated theory module before being able train on our boats. The test is performed in normal clothing and full wet weather kit and with uninflated personal flotation evices (life jackets)
- don wet weather clothing and prepare for sea, correctly fit personal PFD and buddy check plus service check.
- enter the water on abandon ship command feet first
- float without assistance for a minium of 5 minutes
- simulate non active CO2 bottle by manualy stripping out the bladder and inflate orally, this requires the crew to work as a team to onflate 1 PFD and use that as the safety base until all PFD's are inflated.
- remain as a crew and practise the huddle and HELP positions
- swim as a crew to a liferaft
- enter the liferaft with PFD's inflated
- Exit the liferaft
- discussion of failing to swim (stay afloat, inhalation of water dangers)
All 5 of the wet crew completed the test succesfully
6 people
Total Volunteer Hours: