Helm Training Program

Practising and perfecting the procedure for coming alongside/berthing at the fuel berth. Helmsperson must approach at a suitable angle, allowing for the drift of the wind, use the engines to stop the vessel and pull the stern onto the jetty in one movement without bouncing or rubbing.
Towing around a semi-submerged 3m dinghi (weight approx 500kg with water) that was only attached from the bow of the dinghi to the bow of Pelorus. Tasks were to switch the dinghi from the starboard side to the port side without snatching the line, putting the dinghi alongside the breastworks without bumping it, towing in reverse, maneouvring around the marina, moving out of the way of other vessels. The weight and drag of the vessel made the excercise very challenging, especially with it only hanging off the bow of Pelorus.