Day Crew Training

Extremely heavy weather training on CRV Trust Porirua Rescue this week. 35kt NW winds, gusting 40. 2-3m swells and breaking waves across the bar.
The first part of the training focused on man overboard procedures on the bar. A bouy was thrown overboard in the breaking waves and each person on board had a turn at helming the vessel and manouvering through the surf to come along side the bouy for another crew member to retrieve out of the water. The primary hazard in this situation today was avoiding the multitude of kite surfers and windsurfers!
The second part of the session involved navigating out to the north end of Mana Island before heading to Green Bay to observe and assess the sea conditions and make judgement calls on whether or not it was safe to enter the bay - simulating that we needed to for a shoreline search, vessel pickup, etc.