Impulse II

Impulse II (40', 10 tonne yacht) requested assistance to enter Porirua Harbour as their engine was overheating.
A marine initial response assesment was completed along with a worksheet to determine immediacy of need plus best option for support.
Coastguard Mana's available support vessel was the 5.8 RHIB, which was to small to affect a safe tow into the marina
Needs Assessement scored 17 (no immediate danger) best support assistance was to take a diesel engineer to impulse II to sort out the overheating issue and effect repair which would allow the vessel to dock at the next high tide
A crew was located for pelorus, Travis Stoddart (engineer) was available and transported to Impulse II which was moored outside the safe arrival of the Porirua Harbour Approaches. The engine overheat problem was traced to a broken water pump drive belt (no spare) a trip back into porirua was required to locate a suitable belt and the repair was completed.
Pelorus returned to base at 1600 and Impulse II entered the marina at about 2130 on the high tide.