Water Safety support to GW

On Saturday members ofthe coastguard crew carried out a number of small support opoerations,
1: Its water safety week and the harbour ranger and police teams with help from coastguard mana were providing advice on water safety. In particular our new crew man Steve was helping with the testing of lifejackets on the breastworks at the Mana Cruising Club, something in the region of 100 plus lifejackets were tested to confirm that they were buoyant and safe to use. Some lifejackets failed the test and owners advised to replace them.
2: CRV Pelorus the units 5.8 metre RHIB was refuelled and tested by Lorna and Carl. this is the units only rescue vessel until the interim replacement for the 12.5 metre protector arrives late novemeber/december. Pelorus is designated as inshore rescue so we have a limited ability to help boaties in trouble until the interim arrives. The interim rescure boat is a 9.3 metre Naiad.
3: The removal of gear from the decommissioned 12.5 metre protector vessel was also a on the days work programe, led by Jacob with support from Gerry, James and Trevor. There is still more work to be completed