Swimmers caught in tidal stream in channel

Two swimmers were caught in the tidal flow exiting the channel into Porirua Harbour on an outgoing tide. This pushed them out of the channel entrance towards Goat Point. The swimmers were spotted waving and screaming for assistance and Coastguard Mana was activated by Police to assist.
A training crew was already onboard Trust Porirua Rescue in the marina, engines fired up and ready to depart on a training excercise, when the call came through. They were able to depart immediately and were on scene within 3 minutes of the call from Police.
As the vessel arrived on scene the swimmers were just clambering up onto the sand bank to the East of the channel entrance and had managed to self-recover. A Police officer was on scene and an ambulance arrived soon after. Trust Porirua Rescue remained on scene until confirmation was received that they were the only swimmers involved and that no further assistance was required. At this point they continued out for their regular training session.