Boat drifting and unable to start while diver in the water

Diver went for a dive from a 14ft fibreglass boat close to shore in Hongoeka Bay. While he was down the skipper of the boat was unable to start the engine and drifted off his anchor South towards Titahi Bay.
The skipper of the vessel made a 111 call to Police from a cellphone he had on board. Coastguard Mana rescue vessel Trust Porirua Rescue was called out by Police.
The diver surfaced to no support boat and swam to shore where his uncle found him and took him back to Plimmerton Boating Club.
Mana Coastguard found the vessel drifting approx. 1NM off Titahi Bay between there and Mana Island. He was towed back to Plimmerton Boating Club where he launched from.
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Rescue Track 20101016.kml | 9.35 KB |