Divers in the water, boat failed to start

A runabout had dropped two divers in the water up near Pukerua Bay. When the divers surfaced the boat skipper was unable to start the motor to pick them up. Their VHF radio was not working correctly and so a smoke signal was used to alert other boaties in the area.
A boat nearby responded and picked up the divers for them before returning them to the broken down vessel.
Coastguard Mana responded quickly with a full-speed run up to Pukerua Bay at 40 knots in the new Protector in very calm conditions. By the time Porirua Rescue got there the vessel had been restarted.
Testing of the vessels VHF radio showed that the microphone switch was faulty and it started working after a number of attempts at pressing it.
Although the conditions were good, the quick actions of the skipper to call for assistance when he had two divers in the water that he was unable to get to was commendable.