
Ginger Gibbs, well known Auckland mariner, was a man who didn't appear to learn from hardship. After swearing he'd never do it again after achieving the record last year for the run between the Sydney and Auckland harbour bridges, he and his crew had planned another bone crunching challenge.
Fate struck Ginger a final blow on the morning of January 17th, when he suffered a fatal heart attack. His crew though, have determined to continue the challenge in Ginger's honour.
In February 2007 (time dependent upon the weather) the remaining Pirates will attempt the Around New Zealand record. At the same time, they are challenging the rest of us to pledge funds to Coastguard by estimating how many hours it will take them to complete the circuit from Auckland's Harbour bridge, over the top, down the west coast, and back up the east coast to what will be the welcome sight of Auckland's harbour bridge again.
Estimate just how long it'll take the crew to make the journey, make a pledge and support Coastguard.
The crew have planned the voyage well, ensuring that their Rayglass vessel will be able to withstand the sometimes punishing sea conditions that exist around our coastline. They have calculated their fuel and provisioning requirements so that they need make a minimum number of stops. Ground crew and supporters in New Plymouth, Bluff, and Gisborne will make their pit stops as speedy as possible, sending the Pirates back on track.
All pledges will go directly to Coastguard.
The Challenge funds are provided by Ginger and his crew, and their own Sponsors. In the Sponsors' support of the Challenge, they also support Coastguard. A Big Thankyou to all our Sponsors, donors and pledge-makers.
This is a wonderful opportunity for Coastguard - to support us, and be part of the adventure Click here to visit the official Swashbucklers website